A Trail of Magic

I read a quote once that has stuck with me for many years, although I don’t recall to whom the quote was attributed. It said, “By choosing to be our most authentic and loving self, we leave a trail of magic everywhere we go”

Isn’t that a beautiful image? A trail of magic… but what does that really mean?



We understand ‘loving’ but what does it mean to be ‘authentic’? It is something beyond just ‘being yourself’. It is not just about being yourself, but being OK with ALL of yourself. To have the courage to see yourself clearly, and to accept it all; all of the darkness and all of the light. To forgive yourself for the times you fell short, and to celebrate all of your efforts, not just the successes that panned out, but the times you screwed up, got it wrong, made a mess, and broke your own heart or someone else’s. Take it all in your arms in one loving embrace of self-acceptance and genuine compassion. And THIS is where you find your authenticity. Not in the lofty heights of aspirations for enlightenment, but in the mud and the mess where the roots of the lotus flower thrive. We know that we are all on a journey. You are on a journey, or you wouldn’t have been led to my blog. You are reading this now, and feeling the truth of your own journey. We know that we have incredible power to transform, to grow and to expand into our limitless potential. But we don’t have to wait until we’ve finally reached our idea of ‘perfection’ or ‘success’ to finally accept who we are, and to be authentic, … to be here…. To be now. THIS IS THE MAGIC!! To love yourself unconditionally right now, all the light and all the darkness that resides inside you in this moment. The courage and grace it takes to stand in the center of our own life and see all the pain and all the beauty for the masterpiece that it truly is. This is magical. And yet, there is so much more.

When we can honestly face the darkness within ourselves, we find our compassion grows tremendously for the darkness that we see in others. By living authentically, we create the space for others to do the same. We give other people the invitation and the acceptance to shed their own masks and armor. Whether they accept the invitation or not, is not our business. Our job is just to create the space, and by example to extend this invitation. So by being authentic, and loving, we can inspire others to also find the courage to be truthful, loving, authentic and compassionate. And this is true magic.

If you long to have your belief in magic restored, it is here. This is beautiful magic. To understand that the efforts you put into your own healing, compassion, and self-acceptance, can benefit those around you, just as a small pebble thrown into a still lake will create ripples moving out in circles that grow wider and wider. Not everyone will believe in this magic. Not everyone will shed their masks and armor just because you did. Don’t worry, gorgeous soul, you just plant the seeds, and shine on!

Lots of love


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